new developers
Unblocked helps new team members find the answers they need to so they can start contributing right away.
There is an overload of information
Answers don’t come fast or easily
It’s hard to move fast and not break things
Provide tailored answers in seconds
Put your existing knowledge to work
Make it safe to ask
Turn new hires into experts
Getting started is straightforward
Connect repos and
processes the data
Start getting
Unblocked checks all your security boxes
Soc 2 Type II Certified
Unblocked is AICPA SOC 2 Type II certified, underscoring our commitment to maintaining top-tier security standards with regular third-party penetration testing.
CASA Tier II Certified
Unblocked has achieved CASA Tier II verification, highlighting our adherence to the core security principles for cloud services.
Team-based data access and isolation
Access to data across network layers is secured with encryption in transit and at rest using team-specific keys. Customer data is never be used to train shared models.
See why teams 💜 Unblocked
“Unblocked has made years of scattered documentation and historical context about our codebase useful and relevant without any work on our part.
We are moving faster and making more accurate decisions as a team as a result.”
Steve Toutonghi — Director of Engineering at Measurabl
“Developers at Human Interest are now empowered to quickly get the context they need without making costly interruptions to others.
The team is not only getting more done, but they’re spending less time redoing work because they had the right information to make decisions the first time around.”
Niraj Jayant — Director of Product & Engineering at Human Interest