Connecting your code no matter where it lives

Dennis Pilarinos·Sep 20, 2024

Unblocked now supports multiple source code systems, meaning you and your team can get answers in one place from all the organizations and repositories you use to build your application.

Unblocked exists to help you find answers about your codebase. Not only can you connect all the relevant data sources that contain context about your application, but starting today, you can now also connect as many source code systems as you need to Unblocked.

For example, you can add source code from multiple GitHub organizations to the same Unblocked Team or even connect multiple different source code systems, like GitHub and Bitbucket.

We’ve heard from our larger customers that they often have teams within engineering who are using different source code systems or different organizations within the same source code system for their specific projects.

With support in Unblocked for multiple source code systems, these can now all be connected as part of the same Unblocked Team account.

Unblocked will reference the relevant source code system for a question and return answers based on the code and other context in that system without any extra work on your part.

Unblocked offers first-class support for GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, Bitbucket Cloud, Bitbucket Data Center, GitLab Cloud, and GitLab Self-Managed. For more about how to connect these systems with Unblocked, see our documentation.

Support for multiple source code systems is available to customers using Unblocked on our Enterprise plan. If you’d like to talk about using the Enterprise version of Unblocked, please contact our sales team.