Unblocked updates: IDE improvements and support for all sized teams

Dennis Pilarinos·Feb 13, 2024

We’re rolling out several new features to Unblocked that we think you’ll enjoy.

Unblocked is able to generate helpful answers because it is not limited to the source code you’re browsing - it’s aware of your entire codebase and all the documents from the integrations you’ve connected.

We’re improving how you ask questions, discover relevant documents / threads / bugs.... and making this available to everyone.

A better way to ask questions from your IDE

We’ve improved the experience for asking questions within Visual Studio Code and JetBrains based IDEs.

There is now a dedicated, discoverable way to ask new questions and view previous answers from Unblocked.

For VSCode users, simply click on the Unblocked Icon in the left panel. For IntelliJ users, select the Unblocked Icon in the right tool window.

“OMG YES. The new extension is great. I love how it stays in the left panel. This was my biggest UX gripe.”

Discovering relevant content in your IDE

Unblocked generates answers from more than just your source code. It will include references to the documents / integrations you’ve connected.

We’re taking that concept and extending it to your IDE.

Previously, when you browse source code in the IDE, Unblocked surfaces the Pull Request and Slack conversations related to the code you’re currently looking at - we think of it like a fancy git blame.

Moving forward, Unblocked will surface and let you open any content from the integrations you’ve connected - Confluence, Notion, Google Docs, Jira issues and more. Now, we think of it like git blame… on steroids.

This helps make sure you have full visibility into all the discussions from all the systems relevant to the source code you’re working on.

IDE support for everyone

Previously, many the features of the Unblocked IDE extensions were driven by a team’s pull requests. The IDE extension wasn’t great unless the team had *many* pull requests, so it was never available for teams who didn’t meet this threshold.

Now, everyone will be able to use the Unblocked IDE extensions for both VSCode and IntelliJ based IDEs.

If you’ve already been using the IDE extensions - you’ll be prompted to reload the extensions to get these features.

If you’ve never had these extensions installed, IntelliJ users will need to restart their IDE (VSCode does this automatically).

If you don’t see the IDE extensions showing up, simply right click and select “Install IDE Plugins”.

We hope that these features help you get better answers, faster, from Unblocked.

Please let me know if we can answer any questions for you.

Dennis - Founder & CEO